Tuesday, 29 November 2016

                                         HEAD FISH SOUP ( cemplung kepala ikan) 

3 heads of tilapia ( cleaned )
2 cup of pumpkin (cubed)
1 cup of bean sprout
5 cup of water
2 tbsp of onion (chopped)
2 cloves of garlic (pound)
1 tomato (sliced)
1 slice of ginger
salt and ground pepper


- Boil water in a pot, when the water is boiling put in the heads fish in. Cover the pot with lid, wait
   until simmering.
-Add onion,garlic, ginger,pumpkin,tomato,salt and pepper.
-Continue to cook for another 15 minutes.
- In a mean time wash the bean sprout, place in a small bowl.
-When the soup is cooked, pour it into the bean sprout.
-Garnish with fried onion or chili flake if you spicy lover.


3 kepala ikan, ( maaf g tau ikan apa tilapia itu klo di indonesia)
2 cup labu potong kotak
1 cup tauge cuci bersih
5 c air
2 sdm bawang merah atau bombay di cincang
2 bawang putih geprek atau dihalusin
1 tomat iris
1 jahe iris
garam dan lada bubuk secukupnya.


- Didihkan air di panci, setelah mendidih masukkan kepala ikan.
-Tutup panci, tunggu sampai mendidih.
-Setelah mendidih,masukkan labu, bawang merah dan putih,tomat,jahe,garam dan lada.
-Masak lagi sekitar 15 menit.
-Sambil menunggu, taroh tauge di mangkok saji.
-Setelah sup matang, tuang ke dalam mangkok saji selagi panas.
-garnish dengan bawang goreng atau sesuai selera.



Monday, 21 November 2016

                             Beef and Rice Stuffed Bell Peppers ( PAPPRIKA ISI DAGING CINCANG)


3 bell peppers (yellow,red and green)
1 cup chunky tomato sauce
1 egg
2 tbsp chopped of onion
1 tsp garlic powder
1 cup cooked rice
1 cup ground beef
1 cup of cheese
salt and pepper


- Preheat oven to 375 degrees F
- Slice in a half the peppers, poke about 4 tiny holes in the bottom to let juice drain out.
- Combine ground beef, cooked rice, half of tomato sauce, onion, garlic, egg, salt n pepper in a large
   mixing bowl.
- Lightly stuff peppers with meat mixture. Spread little bit tomato sauce on the each portion.
- Lay the peppers on the baking dish and cover it with foill tightly.
- Bake it for 1 hour. Remove foil and continue to bake until meat filling is cooked and the peppers are
   tender for about 30 minutes.
- Sprinkle with cheese


3 Paprika (kuning,merah dan hijau)
1 cup saos tomat
1 telur
2 sdm bawang cincang
1 sdt bawang putih bubuk
1 cup nasi mateng
1 cup daging giling
garang dan lada secukupnya
1 cup keju mozarela buat taburan


- Panasin oven 375 c
- Belah paprika jadi 2 bagian, tusuk di bagian bawah sekitar 4 tusukan.
- Campur daging giling, nasi, setengan dari saos tomat, bawang, bawang putih, telur, garan n lada.
- Isi paprika yang telah di belah dengan campuran daging tadi. Olesi dengan sedikit saus tomat di
   atas masing-masing paprika yang telah diisi .
- Letakkan paprika di atas loyang tahan panas, lalu tutup rapat dengan kertas foil.
- Oven selama 1 jam.Setelah itu buang kertas foilnya dan oven lagi sekitar 30 menit.
- Angkat lalu taburi keju.


                                          TUNA SANDWICH

1. Tuna mixed (tuna,mayonnaise and mustard)
     -campur tuna dengan mayonnaise dan mustard

2. Spread mixed tuna on a slice of bread............                                                                                      
     - oleskan tuna di atas sepotong roti                                                                                                      
3. Layer Romain letuce and slices tomateos on them          
    - Tambahkan selada dan irisan tomat di atas roti....
4. Sprinkle with ground black pepper  
    -taburi diatas tomat sedikit lada bubuk

5. Tuna sandwich  ready to eat

SELAMAT MENCOBA....SEMOGA BERMANFAAT                                                                                                              

Sunday, 20 November 2016

                                       CHOPPED TUNA SALAD  ( SALAD TUNA DAN SAYUR)


2 cup  chopped of head lettuce
1 cup chopped of cucumber
1 cup chopped of tomatoes
1 can of tuna
4 tbsp mayonnaise
1 tbsp mustard
1 pinch of salt and pepper

mix all ingredients in a bowl and salad ready to it


2 cup selada bulat yg telah di potong kecil
1 cup mentimin jepang,potong sesuai selera
1 cup buah tomat,potong sesuai selera
1 kaleng tuna
4 sdm mayonnaise
1 sdm mustard
1 jumput garan dan lada

Campur semua bahan di mangkok. Kalian bisa menambah buah alpukat atau sayuran lainnya sesuai selera anda semua. Kalau kalian sedang diet, dressingnya bisa diganti dengan olive oil.



Saturday, 19 November 2016

                                         INDONESIAN DESSERT ''KOLAK''

- 1 can of coconut milk
-  1-2 cup  chopped of ripe jack fruit
-  2 cup of sweet potatoes, cut in cubes
-  1 big of banana,cut in a circle
- 6-10 cup of water
- 1/2 cup of granulated sugar
- 2 asian palm sugar

- Boil water in a pot, when the water is boiling add sweet potatoes.Boil them until the potatoes
  are cooked.
- Pour the coconut milk into the boiling potatoes...try to stir them occasionally to prevent the coconut   milk from evaporated so the soup won't be oily.
- When the coconut soup boiling, add Banana, Jack fruit, Sugar and palm sugar.
- Cook them for another 2 minutes.
- Do not forget to taste it with spoon...hehheeh
- depend on how sweet it is.....


                                Indonesian Authentic SQUID

- 1 lbs squid
- 3 chopped of mini shallots
- 1 chopped of garlic
-  1/2 fresh chili, slice it (optional)
- 2 tbs of oyster sauce
 - salt and ground black pepper
- 1 tbs of cooking oil
- 1 cup of water
- Heat cooking oil on the non stick pan on medium heat, add garlic and stir fry about 30 seconds.
   Add shallot and chili, stir them well until turn color to brown and has a good smell.
- Put squid in, stir them about 30 seconds and add the water.Let them boiling...don't be scare if
  the water will turn color to black, because i didn't trow the squid's ink. That's why we call it
  an authentic food.heheheh
-Add Oyster sauce,salt and pepper.
- Cook it untill the squid is tender and don't forget to taste it. Because depend on what you like.
  If you do not like salty, you have to put little bit of salt.

Indonesian people use to eat it with cooked rice and stir fry vegies.


Make up pesta (party make up)

Gaya rambut ke pesta ( party hair style)