Monday, 21 November 2016

                             Beef and Rice Stuffed Bell Peppers ( PAPPRIKA ISI DAGING CINCANG)


3 bell peppers (yellow,red and green)
1 cup chunky tomato sauce
1 egg
2 tbsp chopped of onion
1 tsp garlic powder
1 cup cooked rice
1 cup ground beef
1 cup of cheese
salt and pepper


- Preheat oven to 375 degrees F
- Slice in a half the peppers, poke about 4 tiny holes in the bottom to let juice drain out.
- Combine ground beef, cooked rice, half of tomato sauce, onion, garlic, egg, salt n pepper in a large
   mixing bowl.
- Lightly stuff peppers with meat mixture. Spread little bit tomato sauce on the each portion.
- Lay the peppers on the baking dish and cover it with foill tightly.
- Bake it for 1 hour. Remove foil and continue to bake until meat filling is cooked and the peppers are
   tender for about 30 minutes.
- Sprinkle with cheese


3 Paprika (kuning,merah dan hijau)
1 cup saos tomat
1 telur
2 sdm bawang cincang
1 sdt bawang putih bubuk
1 cup nasi mateng
1 cup daging giling
garang dan lada secukupnya
1 cup keju mozarela buat taburan


- Panasin oven 375 c
- Belah paprika jadi 2 bagian, tusuk di bagian bawah sekitar 4 tusukan.
- Campur daging giling, nasi, setengan dari saos tomat, bawang, bawang putih, telur, garan n lada.
- Isi paprika yang telah di belah dengan campuran daging tadi. Olesi dengan sedikit saus tomat di
   atas masing-masing paprika yang telah diisi .
- Letakkan paprika di atas loyang tahan panas, lalu tutup rapat dengan kertas foil.
- Oven selama 1 jam.Setelah itu buang kertas foilnya dan oven lagi sekitar 30 menit.
- Angkat lalu taburi keju.


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